• Childhood cancer strikes every ethnic group,
socioeconomic class, and geographic
• In the U.S., the incidence of cancer among
adolescents and young adults is increasing
at an alarming rate.
• One in 330 Americans develops cancer
before age 20.
• An average 36 children and adolescents are
diagnosed daily with cancer.
• Cancer is the leading cause of death by
disease in children under 15 in the U.S.
Click here to support The Brandon Carrington Lee Foundation.
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• Childhood cancer strikes every ethnic group,
socioeconomic class, and geographic
• In the U.S., the incidence of cancer among
adolescents and young adults is increasing
at an alarming rate.
• One in 330 Americans develops cancer
before age 20.
• An average 36 children and adolescents are
diagnosed daily with cancer.
• Cancer is the leading cause of death by
disease in children under 15 in the U.S.
Click here to support The Brandon Carrington Lee Foundation.
Thank you for your donation.
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